Leader Development™

Precision Leader Development™ is a customized and innovative approach to skill building and career development. By assessing an individual’s work experience, learning style, and natural talents, you can provide coaching and development that is personalized and optimized to help them achieve success.

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Precision Leader Development™ is a customized and innovative approach to skill building and career development. By assessing an individual’s work experience, learning style, and natural talents, you can provide coaching and development that is personalized and optimized to help them achieve success.

How Precision Leader Development™ Works

Precision Leader Development™ takes an individualized approach to driving organization- wide alignment and improved outcomes. To start, Healthcare Plus Solutions Group will work directly with your senior leadership team to conduct an analysis of the organization to identify your goals and prioritize areas where skill development is needed. Then, our advisors will work with leaders and teams to implement coaching plans that turn your strategy into performance.


Why It Works

People tend to stay with a company when they are invested in through skill building and career development. With talent development, it is important to know how a person best learns, their personality, behavior, and problem-solving ability. The Precision Leader Development™ assessment process considers the individual’s strengths, the skills needed in their role, and their previous experience to create a personalized development plan that maximizes their potential.

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